LW Sewer Company Information Board...

We will sometimes post information here regarding various agendas and important information regarding our sewer plant and board.

For general information or questions, please call 636-638-9456 and leave a message at the plant. Should you have an emergency or require immediate assistance, you may call one of the numbers below:

Dave Sarver at 815-739-1462   or   Elmer Kiel at 314-580-5470

We Have a New Phone Number...
We changed our phone service provider and now our number has changed.
Please note the new number is now 636-638-9456 so please update your contacts and phone books.

Help Us, Help You...
Please please please DO NOT flush baby wipes, feminine hygiene products or anything other than toilet paper. Even if your baby wipes say they are flushable, DO NOT flush them. They tear up our pumps, cause blockages in the sewer pipes and mess up our sewer plant. And please advise your kids and your guests to not flush them as well.

Flushing baby wipes is costing us thousands of dollars each year for the labor and repairs they are causing. Due to this, we are unable to lower your monthly sewer bill and if it does not stop, your sewer bill will most likely be going up to cover the costs that those items are causing us in unnecessary repairs.

Your Gutter Drains...
Please check your gutter downspouts and make sure they empty out on the ground and not into the sewer. If your downspouts are routed into a pipe that runs underground, please be certain that the underground pipe exits out on the ground somewhere and not connected to any sewer lines.

An easy way to do this would be to drop a water hose into the pipe(s) where your downspouts are routed into and turn the water on. Then walk around your yard until you find where the water is draining to. It should be draining out in a location that is down hill from the downspout, possibly near the street.

If you are unable to find where the water is exiting the pipe, then most likely your gutters are draining into the sewer system. If needed, the sewer plant is now offering reasonably priced camera and video services for your sewer lateral and gutter drain pipes. See above for more information and prices. Every less drop, helps!



LW Sewer Company  /  P.O. Box 2249  /  Hillsboro, MO 63050  /  636-638-9456

Copyright © 2022-2023 Lake Wauwanoka Sewer Company
All Rights Reserved
Website designed by Scott Moore